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Can I set the Timings of the Revmob Ads and the Chartboost ads so that it appears after my Splash Screen?

In my app ,when my splash screen appears along with that the revmob as well as the chartboost ad also appears.I want it to appear in order like 1---> Splash Screen 2----> Revmob Ads 3----> Chartboost ads.Any help will be appreciated.


  • First, I work in iOS, not android, but the concept should be similar. You would need to use the delegates so that you could display the second after the first is dismissed. I didn't use revmob, so you need to see their documentation for the delegates, but if you wanted the reverse order (chartboost->revmob), one way to do it would be:

    - (void)didDismissInterstitial:(NSString *)location 
        //this is fired after a chartboost interstitial is closed
        //so you set the code to display the other starting from here.