I'm trying to do a select
and count
at the same time.
This is my code:
@count = Policy.find(:all,:conditions=>['state= 0 AND deleted = 0']
####i want to count all the policies that has 1 client by document
@count = Policy.count(:joins => :client,:conditions => ['doc_jur LIKE ? OR doc_nat LIKE ?', "%#{params[:doc]}%","%#{params[:doc]}%" ])
How can I do this in only one line (one action)?
I want:
SELECT count(*) AS count_all FROM `policies`
where state= 0 AND deleted = 0
INNER JOIN `clients` ON `clients`.id = `policies`.client_id
WHERE (doc_jur LIKE '%20535920746%' OR doc_nat LIKE '%20535920746%')
Try this:
@count =Policy.count(:joins => :client,:conditions => ['policies.state=0 AND policies.deleted= 0 AND clients.doc_jur LIKE ? OR clients.doc_nat LIKE ?', "%#{params[:doc]}%","%#{params[:doc]}%" ])