I have written a class for complex numbers in which I have overloaded the operator + and everything works fine, however I need to implement this as a non-member function and I am not sure how, or why there is a benefit of doing so.
Here is my code .h:
class Complex
double a;
double b;
Complex(double aGiven);
Complex(double aGiven, double bGiven);
double aGetValue();
double bGetValue();
double operator[](bool getB);
Complex add(Complex &secondRational);
Complex operator+(Complex &secondRational);
Complex Complex::add(Complex &secondRational)
double c = secondRational.aGetValue();
double d = secondRational.bGetValue();
double anew = a+c;
double bnew = b+d;
return Complex(anew,bnew);
Complex Complex::operator+(Complex &secondRational)
return add(secondRational);
Any help on how to make these as non-member functions will be greatly appreciated!
Here is the addition operator outside of the class:
Complex operator+(const Complex& lhs, const Complex& rhs) {
//implement the math to add the two
return Complex(lhs.aGetValue() + rhs.aGetValue(),
lhs.bGetValue() + rhs.bGetValue());
Of course you will need to declare aGetValue()
and bGetValue()
as const
double aGetValue() const {return a;}
double bGetValue() const {return b;}