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Django model instance __nonzero__ override ignored

I'm trying to override a model instance's __nonzero__ so it evaluates to False

I've first tested on a simple Python class:

>>> class A():
...     pass
>>> a = A()
>>> a.__nonzero__ = lambda: False
>>> b = A()
>>> bool(a)
>>> bool(b)
>>> type(a).__nonzero__(a)
>>> type(b).__nonzero__(b)

This shows that __nonzero__ being overridden successfully alters the object's bool() evaluation.

I then tried to apply the same thing to a django model object (instance of that itself inherits from `django.db.models.Manager).

from django.contrib import admin
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from import PageAdmin
from import Page
from guardian.admin import GuardedModelAdmin
from reversion import VersionAdmin

class PageAdmin(PageAdmin, GuardedModelAdmin, VersionAdmin):

    # some stuff
    # ...

    def render_revision_form(self, *args, **kwargs): 
        """Override render_revision_form so we can make ``obj`` evaluate to False
        so ```` does not try
        to query ``self.page_manager.get(pk=current_id)`` where current_id
        is ```` in the below function.
        This is needed because ``self.page_manager.get(pk=current_id)`` is
        queried on feincms Page objects rather than reversion Version objects.
        request, obj, version, context = args
        obj.__nonzero__ = lambda: False
        obj.hello = 'a'
        import pdb
        return super(PageAdmin, self).render_revision_form(request, obj, version, context, **kwargs), PageAdmin)

but this evaluates to True:

(Pdb) obj
<Page: test>
(Pdb) bool(obj)

Is there any reason that am I not aware of that could cause this behaviour?


  • You are using old-style class in this example. And model instance is a new-style class.

    class B(object): pass
    b = B()
    b.__nonzero__ = lambda: False
    bool(b) # True

    Apparently, you can't override special methods for the instances, only for types.

    B.__nonzero__ = lambda self: False
    bool(b) # False

    Read the following SO question for examples and more detailed explanation: "overriding-special-methods-on-an-instance"