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How do you find multiple ki smallest elements in array?

I am struggling with my homework and need a little push- the question is to design an algorithm that will in O(nlogm) time find multiple smallest elements 1<k1<k2<...<kn and you have m *k. I know that a simple selection algorithm takes o(n) time to find the kth element, but how do you reduce the m in your recurrence? I though to do both k1 and kn in each run, but that will only take out 2, not m/2.

Would appreciate some directions. Thanks


  • If I understand the question correctly, you have a vector K containing m indices, and you want to find the k'th ranked element of A for each k in K. If K contains the smallest m indices (i.e. k=1,2,...,m) then this can be done easily in linear time T=O(n) by using quickselect to find the element k_m (since all the smaller elements will be on the left at the end of quickselect). So I'm assuming that K can contain any set of m indices.

    One way to accomplish this is by running quickselect on all of K at the same time. Here is the algorithm

    If K is empty, then return an empty result set
    Pick a pivot p from A at random
    Partition A into sets A0<p and A1>p.
    i = A0.size + 1
    if K contains i, then remove i from K and add (i=>p) to the result set.
    Partition K into sets K0<i and K1>i
    add QuickselectMulti(A0,K0) to the result set
    subtract i from each k in K1  
    call QuickselectMulti(A1,K1), add i to each index of the output, and add this to the result set
    return the result set

    If K contains just one element, this is the same as randomized quickselect. To see why the running time is O(n log m) on average, first consider what happens when each pivot exactly splits both A and K in half. In this case, you get two recursive calls, so you have

    T = n + 2T(n/2,m/2)
      = n + n + 4T(n/4,m/4)
      = n + n + n + 8T(n/8,m/8)

    Since m drops in half each time, then n will show up log m times in this summation. To actually derive the expected running time requires a little more work, because you can't assume that the pivot will split both arrays in half, but if you work through the calculations, you will see that the running time is in fact O(n log m) on average.

    On edit: The analysis of this algorithm can make this simpler by choosing the pivot by running p=Quickselect(A,k_i) where k_i is the middle element of K, rather than choosing p at random. This will guarantee that K gets split in half each time, and so the number of recursive calls will be exactly log m, and since quickselect runs in linear time, the result will still be O(n log m).