I want to search product of a particular store in magento
and want to get all product ids
in the array programmatically. like the below method which takes $searchstring
as parameter and return $ids
array which has product ids of all those products where the name of product has contain the search string
function getProductIdsBySearch($searchstring, $storeId) {
$ids = array();
// Code to Search Product by $searchstring and get Product IDs
return $ids;
Like :- If we have following Products on Catalog
ID Product Name
1 Temp
2 ProductTemp
3 ProductTempData
6 Tempdata
and search string is temp then it should return 1,2,3,4,6 not 5 because temp not matched with name of product which has id = 5
You can always use filter query with 'like'.
Give it a try...
function getProductIdsBySearch($searchstring, $storeId = '') {
$ids = array();
// Code to Search Product by $searchstring and get Product IDs
$product_collection = Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/product_collection')
->addAttributeToFilter('name', array('like' => '%'.$searchstring.'%'))
foreach ($product_collection as $product) {
$ids[] = $product->getId();
//return array of product ids
return $ids;