I'm trying to create a menu with an image in the center using DDRMenu Menu Token template (see link). To do that, I have to create an empty space where the image will be by adding a margin to the item number X of my menu.
Let's say I have 6 items in my menu root, I have to add a class to the fourth item for the margin.
I'm having trouble to add that class. Here is a basic template:
<a href="[=URL]">
<a href="[=URL]">
Is there a way to know the index of the item ?
Thanks for any help !
I don't know anything about index, you could hack a bit by using Keywords
If you really need the index, I think you should use xslt version with position() see http://www.dnnhero.com/Premium/Tutorial/tabid/259/ArticleID/12/Beginning-XSLT-with-DDRMenu-for-DotNetNuke-Part-2.aspx