On Google Play lets say I publish an APK app with version code = 1, and I also publish a related APK expansion file. Now at some later stage I publish a new APK app with version code 2. Will the old APK expansion file (i.e. the one related to version code = 1) still be available for the old APK app?
Further will Google Play allow me to publish an APK app with the same version code as an already existing app? For example by deleting the old APK (version code = 1) and then publish a new APK (still with version code = 1)?
It turns out that one APK version is linked to its related APK expansion file i.e. if APK with version code = 1 is installed, but the related expansion file is not downloaded for whatever reason, then it can still get its related expansion file (version code = 1), even if the APK is unpublished on Google Play due to a newer APK with version code = 2 is uploaded and published. Users installing the new APK (version code = 2) will naturally get the expansion file for that version code.
Please remember that the (main) expansion file has the name:
main.<version code>.<package name>.obb
i.e. the version code is part of the name.