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How to have a precise map of a country with R

I usually went to the site : to find the contours of the country I wanted to plot with R. But today, this website is closed, and I don't know how to proceed to have a really accurate map...

When I try :

map("world", xlim=c(15,23), ylim=c(45.5,49))

The contours of the country are not very accurate...

I try to find an other website which could give the contours, but I didn't find.

Somebody can help me ?


  • Ok, let's say you want to plot France contours using data from Natural Earth:

    # First download the data in your working directory
    download.file("", "")
    # Then unzip
    # Load maptools
    # Read in the shapefile
    world <- readShapeSpatial("ne_10m_admin_0_countries.shp")
    # Plot France
    # Column 1 is the id column, column "ADMIN" contains the country names