I currently trying out ChaplinJS for a new project and I'm running into a problem.
I want to have a controller (for my navigation) that's listening to the changes of the router. I want to have callbacks for events like changeURL or route. I'm not sure how Chaplin's mediator works but I thought the router is throwing events using the mediator which I should be able to catch. I tried this:
mediator = require 'mediator'
Controller = require 'controllers/base/controller'
Menu = require 'models/menu'
MenuView = require 'views/menu-view'
module.exports = class MenuController extends Controller
'router:changeURL mediator': @test
initialize: ->
@menu = new Menu()
@view = new MenuView model: @menu
mediator.subscribe 'router:changeURL', @test
test: ->
console.log 'testlisten'
You should use beforeAction
method to accomplish this.
The method receives all arguments actions receive. http://docs.chaplinjs.org/chaplin.controller.html
There is no listen
in controllers.