We just moved from Ant+Ivy builds to Gradle.My project structure is
Project A which has two sub modules : module1 and module2
Both module1 and module2 have their own build.gradle files.The problem is when I publish an artifact from module1,I want the artifact pattern to be like :
projectA-module1.jar instead of just module1.jar
It was pretty simple to do in Ivy using:
<info organisation="abc" module="projectA-module1">
Is there any way I can change the module name in gradle?
PS: I researched and found out we have group instead of organisation in gradle but not for module name.I am publishing to Artifactory
As I understand, you just want to change the name of the project. It's easy to do in the 'settings.gradle' file. Just set the name of the project to projectA-module1
rootProject.name = 'projectA-module1'