I have a view that I already created using a xib file.
Now I would like to add some small elements to this view that would make use some of the physics animations from SpriteKit, so now I need an SKView.
Is it possible to add an SKView as a Subview of the view that corresponds to my xib view? I tried this and it does not seem to show anything.
The following is in the ViewController corresponding to my XIB view:
this.myCustomSKView = new CustomSKView()
this.View.AddSubview( this.myCustomSKView );
and the ViewController for my custom SKView has:
public override void ViewWillLayoutSubviews ()
base.ViewWillLayoutSubviews ();
if(this.SKView.Scene == null)
this.SKView.ShowsFPS = true;
this.SKView.ShowsNodeCount = true;
this.SKView.ShowsDrawCount = true;
var scene = new MyCustomSKScene (this.SKView.Bounds.Size);
this.SKView.PresentScene (scene);
I don't know what exactly you are trying to achieve but I think instead of SpriteKit you may wanna check out the UIKitDynamics which provides "physics-related capabilities and animations to views and other dynamic items". I would suggest you look at the apple doc first https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/samplecode/DynamicsCatalog/Introduction/Intro.html then a really nice tutorial on raywenderlich.com http://www.raywenderlich.com/50197/uikit-dynamics-tutorial
Hope this helps...