I am attempting to store a csv file on an ftp server using python's ftplib module. Right now, I have about 30 lines of code which generates probabilities of weather values in a 2-d array. I then write this 2-d array to a csv file.
When I write the csv file onto my local drive, the file displays as expected within excel. However, when I view the file after I uploaded it to an ftp server, I see that a new line character has been added after every row.
I've done some minor testing to see what the problem may be, and I have been able to upload the csv file with coreftp. The csv file displays correctly after I do that. So I am pretty sure the file is fine, its something that is happening when python uploads it onto an ftp server.
I was originally creating a text file with a .csv extension file then reopening it as a binary file and uploading it. I thought that may be the issue so I tried using the csv module, but same issue.
Here is my code at the moment...
TEMPSHEADER = [i-50 for i in range(181)]#upper bounds exclusive
WINDSHEADER = [i for i in range(101)]#upper bounds exclusive
for site in ensmosdic:
ensmos = ensmosdic.get(site)
with open(utcnow.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + "-" +site+"-prob.csv","w",newline='') as csvfile:
writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=",")
writer.writerow(["CODE ","F","ForecastDate","HOUR"]+HEADER)
siteTable =[[0 for x in range(286)] for y in range(24,169)]#upper bounds exclusive
#other code here, but not important with regards to post
for i in siteTable:
csvfile.close()#not sure if you have to close csv file, not in csv module docs
f = open(utcnow.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + "-" +site+"-prob.csv","rb")
ftpInno.storbinary("STOR " + utcnow.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-") + site +"-prob.csv",f)
Thanks in advance
After an hour or so of trouble shooting, the answer is fairly simple, although I am not entirely sure why it works.
what i did was create a text file instead of a csv file which I was doing in my original question
with open(FILELOCATION + utcnow.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + "-" +site+"-prob.txt","w") as f:
#write to the file below
#open file again as a txt file
f = open(FILELOCATION + utcnow.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + "-" +site+"-prob.txt","rb")
ftp.storlines("STOR " + utcnow.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-") + site +"-prob.csv",f)
reading the file as a binary file and then storing it with the storlines method removed the extra lines I was seeing within the file after I uploaded it to an ftp server.