I am facing a problem in fetching return parameters from 2Checkout using .Net, I am currently working on demo mode, products list are sent successfully to 2checkout and when return to (x_receipt_link_url) nothing happen to notify that purchase has been completed although I am adding a block to fetch the return parameters, I am using something like this but with different values
//Check for response from 2Checkout
if (Request.Params["credit_card_processed"] != null)
//Initialize returned parameters
string key = Request.Params["key"];
string sid = "1303908";
string secret_word = "tango";
string merchant_order_id = Request.Params["merchant_order_id"];
string order_number = Request.Params["order_number"];
string total = Request.Params["total"];
//Compute our hash
string string_to_hash = secret_word + sid + order_number + total;
string our_hash = getMd5Hash(string_to_hash);
//Compare hashes and update response string
if (our_hash != key)
response = "ERROR: MD5 hash did not match!";
response = "Thank you for your Order!";
Kindly Advice? Thanks for your help.
2Checkout will return credit_card_processed=Y
on all successful sales so your hash check should be firing. On demo sales the 2Checkout MD5 Hash will fail to validate because the returned hash is computed using a "1" for the order number. So in your code, you can match it like so:
if (Request.Params["demo"] == "Y")
string order_number = "1";
Your post indicates that you are having a problem fetching the returned parameters , not a problem validating the hash so I think the issue is outside of the code that you posted. Please contact 2Checkout tech support at techsupport@2co.com for assistance with troubleshooting the passback.