I have the following code:
def f(String s) {
assert !s?.contains('.')
What Hamcrest matcher can be used to test the assertion? I know I can use a try
block but I prefer keeping the cyclomatic complexity of tests to one.
If you REALLY must use Hamcrest, you could write something like:
assertThat( { f( 'hi.ho' ) }, thrown( MyException ) )
You will need the ThrownMatcher.thrown(..)
matcher which I wrote just for fun.
See Gist here.
But in Groovy, Hamcrest matchers can be easily replaced with more powerful constructs.
You could, for example, use GroovyTestCase to do this:
shouldFail( MyException, { /* code expected to throw MyException*/ } )
Finally, if you're serious about testing use Spock:
f 'something.something'
thrown( TypeOfException )