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Problems with OpenSSH on Linux

I have some problems with ssh and connection two computers one of them windows and Linux mint 15. When i put ip address to ech0 with command ifconfig ech0 192.168.. on Linux. The coming register ip and i can see my register ip after open ssh the gone and my another computer which is windows can't inter in my pc with ssh. Why this problem coming? Is it possibility to solve this? Thank you for all hint.


  • first What you want to do? 1.connect from Linux Machine to Windows Machine or vise versa? 2.You want to use SSH connection ?

    from Windows ---->> to Linux With SSH (using SSH protocol)

    a.install putty on windows b.Edit SSH config file ~/.ssh/config on you Linux machine to accept INCOMING connection and also set the port or use the default port SSH config file is a text file a command per line. if the # is before a line, that line would not read by OpenSSH and it is like you removed it from the config file. putty in your windows machine and create a new connection profile. give it the ip of your Linux machine and the Port. then press connect if the connection is successful then you get a command prompt much like the console on your linux machine.