I have found it's easy to use node-http-proxy to route a sub-directory to different ports on a local server. However, I haven't found if there's a way to run a custom function when doing the routing. What I want to do is:
I'm not asking about how to check for the service and start it, just how to have a function called each time a re-route is going to take place.
Can I do something like this?
var options = {
route: {
'/task1' : customFunc('3000'),
'/task2' : customFunc('3001'),
You cannot assign a function as the path value, as that value is parsed as a URL. See here.
Instead, what you can do is intercept the requests before it hits the router, start your services as needed, and then forward the request back to the router:
var init = function(req, res, next){
if(req.url.indexOf('task1') > -1 && !serviceIsRunning()){
next(); // forward req back to router
} else {
// no need to do anything, move request along
httpProxy.createServer('localhost', options, init).listen(80);