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C4Label cuts off displayed text

I'm working on a rather simple app that should display 2 words next to each other randomly from an array. Right now it's working except... Why is some text cut short? I'm guessing that whatever the number of chars the string "recipe" start with is the maximum number of chars it can hold even when changed dynamically. So, for example, when it starts with "Raw Taco", it will cut longer phrases like "Boiled Hotdog" short. What's the best workaround for this?

Here's the code I'm working with (sorry it's not fully shortened to essential bits):

@implementation C4WorkSpace

    C4Shape * red; //, *green, *blue;
    NSArray * foodz, *cookz;
    C4Label * displaytask;
    C4Sample *sample;
    NSString *recipe, *startRecipe;
    int COOKZtaskpicked;
    int FOODZtaskpicked;


    startRecipe = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"I want to make this really long to start with"];

    C4Font *font = [C4Font fontWithName:@"Avenir" size:40.0f];
    C4Label *label = [C4Label labelWithText:@"Order Up!" font:font]; = CGPointMake(, self.canvas.height / 3.0f);

    [self.canvas addLabel:label];

    //[self setupShapes];
    //    [self setupLabels];
    red.fillColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:0.9f green:0.0f blue:0.0f alpha:0.7f];

    sample = [C4Sample sampleNamed:@"C4Loop.aif"];
    [sample prepareToPlay];

    // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \\
    // FOOD

    foodz =  @[ @"Sushi", @"Burger", @"Salad", @"Taco", @"Nachos", @"Hotdog" ];
    cookz =  @[ @"Baked", @"Boiled", @"Fried", @"Raw", @"Burnt", @"Rotten" ];
    [self changeFOODZtask]; // calls the function down below
    displaytask = [C4Label labelWithText:recipe];
    [displaytask addGesture:TAP name:@"tap" action:@"tapped:"];
    //[displaytask gestureForName:@"tap"]; // set double tap
    [self listenFor:@"tapped:" fromObject:displaytask andRunMethod:@"changeFOODZtask"]; =;
    [self.canvas addSubview:displaytask];

    //displaytask = [C4Label labelWithText:cookz[0]];
    //[self changeCOOKZtask]; // calls the function down below
    //[displaytask addGesture:TAP name:@"tap" action:@"tapped:"];
    //[displaytask gestureForName:@"tap"]; // set double tap
    //[self listenFor:@"tapped:" fromObject:displaytask andRunMethod:@"changeCOOKZtask"];

    // =;
    //[self.canvas addSubview:displaytask];


// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \\
// Random FOODZ Picker
-(void) changeFOODZtask
    C4Log(@"changing task");
    FOODZtaskpicked = [C4Math randomIntBetweenA:0 andB: [foodz count] ];
    COOKZtaskpicked = [C4Math randomIntBetweenA:0 andB: [cookz count] ];

    recipe = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@", cookz[COOKZtaskpicked],foodz[FOODZtaskpicked]];
    displaytask.text = recipe;
    C4Log(@"%@", recipe);

    [sample play];

    //    displaytask.text = foodz[FOODZtaskpicked];
    //    [displaytask sizeToFit];

// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \\



  • You have the answer in your code but it is commented out.

    [displaytask sizeToFit];

    The problem isn't with the strings. You can see that when you log them they are intact.

    The problem is that the C4Label that displays them starts with a frame based on the starting text. So, when you start with short text the size of the display is only as long as "Raw Taco" but when "Rotten Sushi" comes up it doesn't have enough space to display. When you call sizeToFit what happens is that it will examine how big of a frame you need to hold the current string in text and changes the frame of the C4Label appropriately. You can read a bit more about it here.