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Passing parameters from trinidad controls to the flow

I am new to JSF, Facelets, SWF and Trinidad technologies, and I having a problem submitting parameters from the <tr:commandButton> on a xhtml page to the flow (using the <f:param>). The interesting thing is when I use <h:commanButton> instead of the <tr:commandButton>, everything works fine. The reason I need to use trinidad button is that I have to put it in <tr:forms> to support PPR.

I really appreciate your helps.


  • The <f:param> didn't work in <h:commandButton> for long until JSF 2.0. It was intented to be used in combination with <h:outputFormat>, <h:commandLink> and <h:outputLink> only.

    It look like that you're using JSF 2.0, but that Trinidad isn't "JSF 2.0 ready" yet. You should then use <f:setPropertyActionListener> instead.

    Here's an example:

    <tr:commandButton value="submit" action="#{bean.submit}">
        <f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{bean.someProperty}" value="someValue" />

    You can also consider upgrading Trinidad to a JSF 2.0 compatible version, if any available.