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Any reference to use JavaDB in Spring3.0?

I am trying to use JavaDB(apache derby) in Spring framework. I found bunch of derby sample codes from web and it works nice. However, every code that I found were not using spring framework.

I want to use derby in spring like the way which does not uses Connection Interface and PreparedStatement. So is there any good sample using derby in Spring?

P.S. furthermore, I put 'derby.jar' file to "src/main/webapp/resouces" but it can not find the reference.(Error message is ClassNotFoundException) So I added 'javadb : : zip' to pom.xml(which means Maven) but it still does not work. Any idea will be welcomed. Thanks


  • what's your problem exactly ? Post your stack trace here. if you are using maven , post your pom.xml . There is no different to use spring or another framework. In fact they are irrelevant . Did you added derby dependency to your pom ?
