I start to use Phpdocumentator2 (http://phpdoc.org/) And I don't understand Why when I wrote
@param STRING $url_p URL du WSDL
public function TestPHPdoc($url_p)
Phpdocumentator create correctly documentation like this TestPHPdoc(STRING $url_p)
Parameters STRING $url_p
URL du WSDL but when i wrote (correct way of write recommended by phpdoc)
* @param STRING $url_p URL du WSDL
public function TestPHPdoc($url_p)
the documentation generated is ugly like this:
TestPHPdoc( $url_p)
(of course when write some of comment dedicated for documentation , it's worse)
How can I solve this
more information I use wamp on Windows , composer to install Phpdocumentator2 and this ligne (on powershell) to generate documentation
C:\wamp\www\phpdoc\vendor\bin\phpdoc.php.bat -d C:\wamp\www\phpdoc\vendor\bin\source -t C:\wamp\www\phpdoc\vendor\bin\destination
yes I know its not the beautiful way to do it (generate directly on the script repository : but it's for test)
I found the solution: The problem just encoding of carriage return...