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Struts form empty

Good morning, I am trying to pass a form from a JSP to a Action. The form compiles correctly if I pass the parameters in the URL (?par=value ...) but it does not if I use submit and form value.

I think everything is set up correctly, but I must be missing something.

I've already searched other similar posts, but I couldn't find a solution.

The problem is that the form that arrives in the Action "new" method is empty.


<form-bean name="EsempioForm" type="com.forms.EsempioForm"/>
<action name="EsempioForm" parameter="method" input="/pages/esempio.jsp" path="/esempio" scope="request" type="com.EsempioAction">
<forward ... />


<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %>
<html:form action="/esempio">
<input type="hidden" id="method" name="method" value="new"/>
<html:text property="desc" disabled="true" />
<html:submit styleClass="button">record</html:submit>

public ActionForward new(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
    EsempioForm esempioForm = (esempioForm) form;
    return mapping.findForward(...);

Can anyone please help me? Thank you very much for any advice.


  • Use <html:hidden property="method" value="new" /> instead.


    disabled="true" disabled fields are not posted on form submit. Make it readonly if you want to submit.