I have a little "just for fun" Rails app that I am migrating from Active Record and SQLite to Ruby Object Mapper. This is mostly a chance for me to explore the way that the data mapper pattern affects my code.
I have a Course model, a Game model and a Score model. When calculating course records I need to get a course object along with all of its associated games and all of the scores for each of those games.
I found an example of creating a joined relation but then I couldn't seem to find any examples of how to write a mapper for that relation so I'm not able to actually get that data back out.
My ROM schema looks like this:
base_relation :courses do
repository :main
attribute :id, Integer
attribute :name, String
attribute :created_at, Time
attribute :updated_at, Time
key :id
base_relation :games do
repository :main
attribute :id, Integer
attribute :course_id, Integer
attribute :played_at, Time
attribute :created_at, Time
attribute :updated_at, Time
key :id
key :course_id
And I want to do a query where I can get a given course with all of its related games. Something like:
env[:courses].restrict(id: 1).join(env[:games]).one
But I haven't been able to find the right syntax for specifying a join, I just know that axiom supports joins in memory.
Does anyone know of a good example of doing reads and write with joined data from Ruby Object Mapper?
Currently ROM doesn't support mapping joined relations OOTB. There's a new feature coming up in axiom called nest/unnest that ROM will use to map joined relations in a sane way.
Right now it would require a lot of hackery that's why we decided to postpone that feature and wait for axiom's nest/unnest.