I've never used any of these, but they are listed on the main Free Pascal site and I would really like to get my hands on:
All this in case it's still used/standard.
IMHO makefile.fpc is mostly FPC internal. I wouldn't use it for own projects.
The idea is that Makefile.fpc is combined with a template fpcmake.ini by running "fpcmake -Tall -w" to generate a GNU Makefile. The fpcmake.ini template is built in into the fpcmake binary.
Makefile.fpc is a file that has parameters for customizing the (fpcmake.ini) template, but can also add additional targets (in makefile format).
To my knowledge there is a paragraph about fpcmake somewhere in the documentation, nad the rest is usually learned by example, simple usage in packages/ and the more complicated examples are the toplevel makefile.fpc and the ones in compiler and rtl/