does anybody know if there is a possibility to search for '-' using FTSearch?
Set col = db.ftsearch({ [services] = "-"}, 0)
dat requests does not work and instead says:
Notes error: Full text error; see log for more information ( [services] = "-")
Short answer is no.
The full text search treats most symbol characters as a white space. The exception is if the search term itself is wrapped in quotes.
The FT search engine also uses 3-gram for searching. This means that less then 3 characters will not return the results you expect. White spaces would be treated in that search, but only in the context of the found text.
For example: "ce " would find "space " but not "space." or "space" or "spaced".
If you are looking for the field that only contains "-", then a better solution is to create a view with a column containing that field value, and/or filter by that field being that value.