Can I apply NSPredicate for filter array of dictionary data corresponding to date?
NSPredicate *betweenPredicate =[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat: @"attributeName BETWEEN %@", @[@1, @10]];
NSDictionary *dictionary = @{ @"attributeName" : @5 };
BOOL between = [betweenPredicate evaluateWithObject:dictionary];
if (between)
I got solution to set below format of the predicate for filter myArray by date.
Its really fast when we have huge amount of data in the array.
NSArray *filteredarray = [myArray filteredArrayUsingPredicate:[NSPredicate
predicateWithFormat:@"(EventStartDateForMonthview <= %@) AND
(EventEndDateForMonthview >= %@)", strOndate,strOndate]];