The problem I'm having is that while printing a multi-page document, each page will over-strike the other with the exception of the last page. It's almost as if it's not clearing the contents of the page before starting a new one.
I've reduced it to the smallest amount of code and I still can't get it to behave properly.
Here's what the PrintPage code looks like:
Private Sub printDoc_printExceptionPage(sender As Object, e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) Handles printDoc.PrintPage
Dim printFont As New Font("Courier New", 9, FontStyle.Regular)
Dim lineHeight As Single = 0
Dim xpos As Single = e.MarginBounds.Left
Dim ypos As Single = e.MarginBounds.Top
If lineIndex = docRec.Count Then
e.HasMorePages = False
Exit Sub
End If
printFont = New Font("Courier New", 9, FontStyle.Regular)
lineHeight = printFont.GetHeight(e.Graphics)
While lineIndex < docRec.Count
e.Graphics.DrawString(docRec.Item(lineIndex), printFont, Brushes.Black, xpos, ypos, New StringFormat())
ypos += lineHeight
lineIndex += 1
If lineIndex Mod 35 = 0 Then
pageCount += 1
e.HasMorePages = True
Exit Sub
End If
End While
End Sub
docRec is a simple list of strings that contains the lines of the output - it's declared as "dim docRec as new List(of String)" and populated earlier.
I'm all out of guesses at this point and apparently my Google Fu has failed me because I can't find another instance of this issue anywhere.
On the off chance that the code that initiates the print is relevant, here it is in all it's hacked up glory:
PrintDlg.AllowPrintToFile = False
PrintDlg.PrinterSettings = New PrinterSettings
Dim test As New PrintPreviewDialog
printDoc = New PrintDocument
printDoc.PrinterSettings.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape = True
If PrintDlg.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
AddHandler printDoc.PrintPage, AddressOf printDoc_printExceptionPage
printDoc.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape = True
lineIndex = 1
pageCount = 1
test.Document = printDoc
End If
Thanks for your help!
[edit] I modified the following code to add a stream of debug info to see how things were being executed.
While lineIndex < docRec.Count
Debug.Print("ypos (" + CStr(ypos) + ") line:" + CStr(lineIndex))
e.Graphics.DrawString(docRec.Item(lineIndex), printFont, Brushes.Black, xpos, ypos, New StringFormat())
ypos += printFont.GetHeight(e.Graphics)
lineIndex += 1
If lineIndex Mod 35 = 0 Then 'If lineTop + lineHeight > e.MarginBounds.Bottom Then
Debug.Print("done with page " + CStr(pageCount))
pageCount += 1
e.HasMorePages = True
Exit Sub
End If
End While
Here's the output from that:
ypos (0) line:1
ypos (14.16015) line:2
ypos (28.32031) line:3
ypos (42.48046) line:4
ypos (56.64062) line:5
ypos (70.80077) line:6
ypos (84.96093) line:7
ypos (99.12109) line:8
ypos (113.2812) line:9
ypos (127.4414) line:10
ypos (141.6015) line:11
ypos (155.7617) line:12
ypos (169.9219) line:13
ypos (184.082) line:14
ypos (198.2422) line:15
ypos (212.4023) line:16
ypos (226.5625) line:17
ypos (240.7226) line:18
ypos (254.8828) line:19
ypos (269.0429) line:20
ypos (283.2031) line:21
ypos (297.3633) line:22
ypos (311.5234) line:23
ypos (325.6836) line:24
ypos (339.8437) line:25
ypos (354.0039) line:26
ypos (368.164) line:27
ypos (382.3242) line:28
ypos (396.4843) line:29
ypos (410.6445) line:30
ypos (424.8047) line:31
ypos (438.9648) line:32
ypos (453.125) line:33
ypos (467.2851) line:34
done with page 1
ypos (0) line:35
ypos (14.16015) line:36
ypos (28.32031) line:37
ypos (42.48046) line:38
ypos (56.64062) line:39
ypos (70.80077) line:40
ypos (84.96093) line:41
ypos (99.12109) line:42
ypos (113.2812) line:43
ypos (127.4414) line:44
ypos (141.6015) line:45
ypos (155.7617) line:46
ypos (169.9219) line:47
ypos (184.082) line:48
ypos (198.2422) line:49
ypos (212.4023) line:50
ypos (226.5625) line:51
ypos (240.7226) line:52
ypos (254.8828) line:53
ypos (269.0429) line:54
ypos (283.2031) line:55
ypos (297.3633) line:56
ypos (311.5234) line:57
ypos (325.6836) line:58
ypos (339.8437) line:59
ypos (354.0039) line:60
ypos (368.164) line:61
ypos (382.3242) line:62
The line count is smaller in this example and it generates two pages, the second of which over-writes the contents of the first.
Item #2 was the key to the whole issue - I'd actually discovered that due to the comment Hans had made. Thanks!