Search code examples

deleting multiple records from two tables

I have two tables called TableA and TableB.

TableA has the following fields:


TableB has the following fields:


There is a foreign key link between the two tables on the TableA_ID field

I need to delete records from both tables. I need to look at the “CreationDate” on TableB and if it’s after a certain date, delete that record. I will also need to delete the record in TableA with the same TableA_ID as the record in TableB

There may be several records in TableB that use the TableA_ID (a one to many relationship). So I can’t delete the record in TableA if entries in TableB still use it.

I know this can’t be done in a single statement but am happy to do it in a transaction. The problem I have is I’m not sure how to do this. I’m using MS SQL server 2008. I don’t want to use triggers if possible.


  • Can there be records in TableA with no matching record in TableB? If not, then we know after we delete from TableB, we can delete any non-matching records in TableA:

    begin transaction
    delete from TableB
    where CreationDate > @SomeDate
    delete from TableA
    where TableA_ID not in (select TableA_ID from TableB)
    end transaction


    begin transaction
    -- Save the TableA_IDs being deleted:
    select distinct TableA_ID
    into #TableA_Delete
    from Table_B
    where CreationDate > @Somedate
    -- Depending on the expected size of #TableA_Delete, you may want 
    -- to create an index here, to speed up the delete from TableA.
    delete from TableB
    where CreationDate > @SomeDate
    delete from TableA
    where TableA_id in (select TableA_Id from #TableA_Delete)
    and TableA_id not in (select TableA_id from TableB)
    commit transaction

    NOTE Both above solutions need error handing added.

    Also, see NYSystemsAnalyst for another method of storing the IDs temporarily.