I am an Objective C noob and learning to build apps with RubyMotion.
I want to be able to call current_user and get the currently logged in user to my app.
Right now I am sending the current_user record from the server and calling User.new(:user) when a user logs in, but I can't call this user globally the way I'd like to, and send it into a Formotion edit form, etc
Right now I am initializing models using the KVO as described in the ruby tutorial Should I implement MotionModel? How would I use that tool to get that ready-at-hand current_user method?
I usually use a class method in the user model.
Your user class:
class User
def self.current_user
@current_user ||= begin
# get your user here, using BubbleWrap's App::Persistence or another persistence mechanism.