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Syntastic and Python-mode together?

I have installed python-mode in VIM. But I also have Syntastic installed. Since both do syntax checking, is there going to be a conflict? How can I turn off Syntastic for Python files?

Thanks for any help


  • To expand on @abjuk's answer, you can disable based on file extension with:

    let g:syntastic_ignore_files = ['\.py$']

    This will only work for files that end in .py, though. It won't work for other files in where Vim thinks that filetype=python. For example, a file that starts with a shebang like #!/usr/bin/env python will still put Vim into python mode.

    Syntastic also supports syntastic_mode_map (see :h syntastic_mode_map), which the docs seem to indicate should allow disabling based on the filetype, but I can't get it to work.

    Another option is to leave Syntastic enabled, and disable python-mode's syntax checking:

    let g:pymode_lint = 0

    This is what I use, because I prefer Syntastic. It resolves the conflict, although it isn't exactly what you asked.