Im using RMagick to take the average color of an image a user uploads. and I've got it down to displaying as RGB format. Now I'd like to take that RGB string and display it as a color swatch on the page...any idea on how to accomplish this?
{:r=>155, :g=>132, :b=>118}
# controller
@image =
average_color = # your magick method to return the average color
# so average is like " {:r=>155, :g=>132, :b=>118} "
@average_color_string = "##{{|v| v.to_s(16) }.join}"
Average color: <%= @average_color_string %>
should display something like this:
Average color: #9b8476
The .to_s(16)
converts the Integer into a 16-based string, also known as Hexadecimal.