I have a NSTableView which contains two columns, a NSTextField and a NSProgressIndicator object on each row. When I scroll up or down the NSProgressIndicator objects flicker, the same occurs when I select the text contained in the NSTextField. Does anyone know why?
This is the code I am using for creating the NSProgressIndicator objects in the 'viewForTableColumn' method:
if ([identifier isEqualToString:@"Progress"]) {
NSProgressIndicator* progressIndicator = (NSProgressIndicator*)cellView.nextKeyView;
NSString *stringPercentage = [dictionary objectForKey:@"Percentage"];
[[progressIndicator animator] setDoubleValue:[stringPercentage doubleValue]];
Note: NSTextField's are only selectable (not editable).
I could fix this by using:
[progressIndicator setUsesThreadedAnimation:NO];
So that the final code is:
if ([identifier isEqualToString:@"Progress"]) {
NSProgressIndicator* progressIndicator = (NSProgressIndicator*)cellView.nextKeyView;
NSString *stringPercentage = [dictionary objectForKey:@"Percentage"];
[[progressIndicator animator] setDoubleValue:[stringPercentage doubleValue]];
[progressIndicator setUsesThreadedAnimation:NO];