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Functional Programming: what is an "improper list"?

Could somebody explain what an "improper list" is?


  • I think @Vijay's answer is the best one so far and I just intend to Erlangify it.

    Pairs (cons cells) in Erlang are written as [Head|Tail] and nil is written as []. There is no restriction as to what the head and tail are but if you use the tail to chain more cons cells you get a list. If the final tail is [] then you get a proper list. There is special syntactic support for lists in that the proper list


    is written as


    and the improper list


    is written as


    so you can see the difference. Matching against proper/improper lists is correspondingly easy. So a length function len for proper lists:

    len([_|T]) -> 1 + len(T);
    len([]) -> 0.

    where we explicitly match for the terminating []. If given an improper list this will generate an error. While the function last_tail which returns the last tail of a list can handle improper lists as well:

    last_tail([_|T]) -> last_tail(T);
    last_tail(Tail) -> Tail.                 %Will match any tail

    Note that building a list, or matching against it, as you normally do with [Head|Tail] does not check if the tail is list so there is no problem in handling improper lists. There is seldom a need for improper lists, though you can do cool things with them.