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Flickr & Vimeo integration in iOS7 using ACAccount

In iOS7 Flickr & Vimeo are also integrated with the device in addition to FB and Twitter. I wanted to use ACAccount api's to do the the integration just like Facebook & Twitter in iOS6.

For Facebook integration we can use the api like:

 ACAccountType* accountType = [accountStore accountTypeWithAccountTypeIdentifier:

Similarly I wanted to get it for Flickr, but there are no new identifiers added in ACAccountType.h file.

Now I am wondering how can I do the integration for Flickr? Any ideas?


  • As per the user perspective there is integration of flicker & Vimeo in iOS 7 same as Facebook and Twitter. But in perspective to iOS Developer there is no change of Flickr and Vimeo integration in iOS 7.

    Why ? For Native implementation of Social networks (Facebook,twitter), there are two main frameworks 1.Accounts 2. Social framework. When i made a demo app and included both mentioned frameworks.Then i go to it's header files. What exactly these files said ?

    In SocialServiceType.h From Social Framework :-

     SOCIAL_EXTERN NSString *const SLServiceTypeTwitter NS_AVAILABLE(10_8, 6_0);
     SOCIAL_EXTERN NSString *const SLServiceTypeFacebook NS_AVAILABLE(10_8, 6_0);
     SOCIAL_EXTERN NSString *const SLServiceTypeSinaWeibo NS_AVAILABLE(10_8, 6_0);
     SOCIAL_EXTERN NSString *const SLServiceTypeTencentWeibo NS_AVAILABLE(10_9, 7_0);
     SOCIAL_EXTERN NSString *const SLServiceTypeLinkedIn NS_AVAILABLE(10_9, NA);

    Above code defines there is no Flickr and Vimeo with their highest version support in iOS 7.

    Hope this helps you !!!