Is it possible to use to port a CQLinq query to a simple C# LINQ query?
I am creating a code analyzer tool using NDepend API, and I would like to use the CQLinq queries.
Some are easy to port. For example,
from m in Methods
where m.ILCyclomaticComplexity > 10
orderby m.ILCyclomaticComplexity descending
select new { m }
is easily ported to
using NDepend.CodeModel;
using NDepend.CodeQuery;
public List<IMethod> GetUnitTestFromType(ICodeBase codeBase)
var complexMethods = (from m in codeBase.Application.Methods
where m.ILCyclomaticComplexity > 10
orderby m.ILCyclomaticComplexity descending
select m).ToList();
return complexMethods;
But I would like to use the more powerfull CQLinq methods, i.e. AllowNoMatch()
from t in codeBase.Application.Types
where t.Implement("System.IDisposable".AllowNoMatch())
select t;
In fact, It would be great to directly use the CQLinq query. How?
I can see there is a NDepend.CodeQuery namespace with methods like CreateQuery, Compile and Execute. Can anybody show me an exaple of usage?
Indeed CQLinq offers a number of convenient extension methods defined in the namespace NDepend.Reserved.CQLinq. These extension methods gets special treatment at CQLinq post-compilation time and per-se are not available in C#.
When you write in a CQLinq query: t.Implement("System.IDisposable".AllowNoMatch())
...the special ExtensionMethodsCQLinqDependency.Implement() extension methods is resolved. The CQLinq post-C#-compilation/pre-execution step try to resolve the type specified as a string ( "System.IDisposable".AllowNoMatch()
) once before executing and infers a predicate on IType
is found, always returns false
is found, returns true
. for types implementing it.In the documentation of ExtensionMethodsCQLinqDependency.Implement(), it is stated that This method can only be called in a ICQLinqExecutionContext
, otherwise the method NDepend.CodeModel.IType.NDepend.CodeModel.IType.Implement
must be called instead.
Hence by using the NDepend.API you have to do the CQLinq post-compilation work yourself, but it is pretty immediate:
var iDisposable = codebase.Types.SingleOrDefault(t.FullName == "System.IDisposable");
if(iDisposable == null) {
return new IType[0];
return from t in codeBase.Application.Types
where t.Implement(iDisposable)
select t;
I can see there is a NDepend.CodeQuery namespace with methods like CreateQuery, Compile and Execute. Can anybody show me an exaple of usage?
Indeed with NDepend.API you can compile a CQLinq query string, execute it and use the result. A sample usage is available in OSS Power Tools Query code with CQLinq, $NDependRedistributable$\NDepend.PowerTools\CodeQueryConsole\CodeQueryConsolePowerTool.cs
var codeBase = analysisResult.CodeBase;
Func<string, IQueryCompiled> compileQueryProc = queryString => queryString.Compile( codeBase);
// ... but if we can get a compareContext, then compile and execute the query against the compareContext
ICompareContext compareContext;
if (ProjectAnalysisUtils.TryGetCompareContextDefinedByBaseline(analysisResult, out compareContext)) {
Debug.Assert(compareContext != null);
compileQueryProc = queryString => queryString.Compile(compareContext);
IQueryCompiled queryCompiled;
using (var queryEditSession = new QueryEditSession(queriesPreviouslyEdited)) {
var queryString = queryEditSession.GetQueryString();
Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
if (queryString == null) { break; }
// Try compile query
queryCompiled = compileQueryProc(queryString);
var queryCompiledError = queryCompiled.QueryCompiledError;
if (queryCompiledError != null) {
queryString = queryEditSession.ShowCompilatioErrorsAndThenGetQueryString(queryCompiledError);
// Execute query compiled
var queryCompiledSuccess = queryCompiled.QueryCompiledSuccess;
Debug.Assert(queryCompiledSuccess != null);
var result = queryCompiledSuccess.Execute();
if (result.Status != QueryExecutionStatus.Success) {
var exception = result.Exception;
// The error must be an Exception thrown by the query, since we don't use the Execute(...) overload with time-out!
Debug.Assert(exception != null);