I have built a Windows Forms application using Visual Studio 2012 and MSSQL 2008. I need to deploy this project using InstallShield Limited Edition.
While running this application on my pc, it does nto work well when I use the following connection string or .//SQLEXPRESS
I need the installer to find the exe file of the application on other uer's pc with the database file. Where do I need to put my database files in the deployment files folder? What should my connection string be?
i use .//SQLEXPRESS it doesnt work as well
as datasource name in the connection string.
Recommended way is to menthion Instance Name if your application is to be deployed in different environments(especially OS). I ran into trouble when I had the Datasource as .dot
which worked in Win 7 not in WinXP. Either one of the following approach works fine.
Ex: CD-SJHONES\SQLINSTNACEIn certain cases i had to include the computer name, So during the application deployment i get the computer name and update the connection string accordingly.
where i need to put my database files in deployment files and folder and what should be my connection string
Connection string
I have already answered connection string releated question above.
Database files
What do you mean by database file. how database is created in the client machine ? do you create a database during application deployment or users manually create it with script ? There is nothing to worry about the database fine as long as your application have right connection string to point to your database.
Application files and folders
Again this doesn't really matter where application files and folders resides in the client machine. It's upto the users to decide where he/she likes to install the application.