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NoMethodError when calling meta_data from Middleman Resource object

I'm new to middleman and all the possibilities that i have. I want to make a deadly simple haml script that works as the index page which lists all my page types for faster navigation inside the project.

Here is the code:

layout: no_layout
- resources = sitemap.resources.sort {|a,b| a.url <=> b.url}

- pages =

- resources.each do |resource|
    - metadata = resource.metadata[:page]
    - if resource.mime_type.match(/^text\/html/) && metadata["title"]
        - element =
        - element["url"] = resource.url     
        - element["title"] = metadata["title"]
        - element["desc"] = metadata["desc"]

        - if element["url"].start_with?('/')
            - element["url"].slice!(0) 
        - pages.push(element)

%h1 Page elements
- if pages.length > 0
        - pages.each do |page|
                %a{:href => page["url"]} #{page["title"]}
                - if page["desc"]
                    = page["desc"]
- else
    No pages found.

Sadly, Middleman generates the following error:

NoMethodError at /
undefined method `mime_type' for #<Middleman::Sitemap::Resource:0x000000069df020>

But the Middleman Documentation says, that the Resources object contains the method and i have some example code that also works that way.

Can somebody tell me what i am doing wrong?

Thanks in advance


  • I think you want Resource#content_type instead.

    $ bundle exec middleman console
    > sitemap.resources[2].content_type
    => "text/html; charset=utf-8"