today suddenly SQL developer stop connecting to oracle database and jdeveloper either. it gives me the infamous error message IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
BUT when i connect throw SQL plus, it connects normally. i disabled firewall but still get the error. yesterday i made restore point for my windows Operating system. i don't know if this has anything to do with the problem. but this is the only thing i remember I did.
i was working normally for weeks and this happened now. how can I solve the problem? I need to wokr on JDeveloper and SQL developer
OracleDBConsoleorcl service does not start, is this what caused the problem? and how to start it
after restaring the pc even sqlPlus does not connect and tells me that oracle doesnot exist
Go to start->programs-> {oracle database instance }-> configuration and migration tools -> Net Configuration Assistant
a window will open, select the first option( listener configuration) click next and select delete and finish.
Then again select listener configuration and then select add and finish
I don't remember exactly how I solved the problem. In my notes I had scribbled something below. You can try
Resolving problem with TNS server.