I want to code a generic function to set a tag field of a music file, I'm using "TagLib Sharp" library, I'm trying to code something that can be tittled as "TagLib Sharp Helper Class"
To call the procedure I want to use some syntax like this to set the field "Album":
TagLibSharp.Set_Tag_And_Save( _
"C:\Test.mp3", _
Function() TagLib.File.Create("").Tag.Album, _
"Test album name" _
The problem is I don't know what to do with the Lambda expression inside the procedure...
Here is all the code (notice the comment lines explainning where is the problem):
#Region " TagLib Sharp "
Public Class TagLibSharp
''' <summary>
''' Stores the Taglib object.
''' </summary>
Private Shared TagFile As TagLib.File = Nothing
''' <summary>
''' Sets a Tag field and saves the file changes.
''' </summary>
Public Shared Sub Set_Tag_And_Save(ByVal File As String, _
ByVal Field As Linq.Expressions.Expression(Of Func(Of Object)), _
ByVal Value As String)
TagFile = TagLib.File.Create(File)
Dim member As Linq.Expressions.MemberExpression = _
If(TypeOf Field.Body Is Linq.Expressions.UnaryExpression, _
DirectCast(DirectCast(Field.Body, Linq.Expressions.UnaryExpression).Operand, Linq.Expressions.MemberExpression), _
DirectCast(Field.Body, Linq.Expressions.MemberExpression))
MsgBox(member.Member.Name) ' Result: "Album"
' member.Member = Value ' Here is where I don't know what to do
' This would be the ewuivalent:
TagFile.Tag.Album = Value
End Sub
End Class
#End Region
Trying to solve the problem following the steps of Ben Allred solution I get an exception.
TagLibSharp.Set_Tag_And_Save("c:\1.mp3", Function() TagLib.File.Create("").Tag.Album = "Test album name")
The modified sub:
Public Shared Sub Set_Tag_And_Save(ByVal File As String, _
ByVal FieldSetter As Action(Of TagLib.File))
TagFile = TagLib.File.Create(File)
FieldSetter(TagFile) ' Here throws an exception with this message: "taglib/"
' FieldSetter(TagLib.File.Create(File)) ' The same exception with this one.
End Sub
Now I don't get any exception, but the tag field is not set.
TagLibSharp.Set_Tag_And_Save("c:\Test.mp3", Function(tagLibFile) tagLibFile.Tag.Title = "Test title name")
The modified sub:
Public Shared Sub Set_Tag_And_Save(ByVal File As String, _
ByVal FieldSetter As Action(Of TagLib.File))
TagFile = TagLib.File.Create(File)
MsgBox(TagFile.Tag.Title) ' Result: Unbreakeable
MsgBox(TagFile.Tag.Title) ' Result: Unbreakeable
' TagFile.Tag.Title = "Test title name"
' MsgBox(TagFile.Tag.Title) ' Result: "Test title name"
End Sub
(My syntax is C#. I don't know the exact syntax in VB.)
The easiest way to do what you want with what you have is to make the following changes:
1 - Change the lambda expression to take one parameter of type TagLib.File
public void Set_Tag_And_Save(..., Action<TagLib.File> FieldSetter, ...)
2 - Pass the action to the call to Set_Tag_And_Save
and set the value in the action.
Set_Tag_And_Save("C:\Test.mp3", tagLibFile => tagLibFile.Tag.Album = "Test album name");
3 - Call the action inside Set_Tag_And_Save