I followed this tutorial and getting this error, there is another question but i didn't get how the problem was solved
NoMethodError in Refinery::Admin::DashboardController#index
undefined method `signup_path' for #<ActionDispatch::Routing::RoutesProxy:0xb53f79dc>
The problem was that you're trying to use the new version of Refinery 2.1 and the article was written for Refinery 2.0. There were updates to config/initializers/refinery/user.rb which can be found here https://gist.github.com/sdownie/6843871. I've updates the article so you shouldn't run into any more problems if you go though it again. The updated tutorial can be found here: http://sdownie.com/articles/refinerycms-rails-3-2-into-your-existing-app