I'm turning my raspberry pi running on raspbmc (based on Debian) into an alarm clock that turns my tv on, displays the weather and plays a predifined song at, you guessed it, a specific time. I currently have most of the functionality implemented with Python e.g.: storing the path to a file for the song and filling in the wake-up time via a simple web interface.
I'm wondering what the best way (least intensive) is to run the wake-up routine at a specific time entered by me and, of course, change it when a new time is entered.
Hope you guys can help me out. Thanks!
Just set up a cron task and set up a python script to perform the actions you need when triggered by cron.
% crontab -e
add a line:
10 7 * * 1-5 /path/to/your/script
Save & exit.
This should run your script at 7:10 Monday-Friday