I was browsing different websites for some images that I'd like to use for links. One, for example, is a Twitter image.
Normally you can hover over an image and press "control + click" to save as.
But on this particular website, the images are icons and don't allow me to grab them.
Here is a screen of select element which the image I want highlighted, and the html and css that goes with it.
How would I grab this icon? The icons are on this website: https://uchaguzi.co.ke/
If you want to convert Font Awesome icons to png, you may use this software: https://github.com/odyniec/font-awesome-to-png
however... if fontawesome fits your needs (it has a huge collection of really well-designed icons), I warmly suggest you to use the web font as explained here: http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/get-started/