I have a class called locationdata which has a friend class called PointTwoD
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class locationdata
locationdata(); //default constructor
locationdata(string,int,int,float,float); //constructor
void set_sunType(string);
void set_noOfEarthLikePlanets(int);
void set_noOfEarthLikeMoons(int);
void set_aveParticulateDensity(float);
void set_avePlasmaDensity(float);
string get_sunType();
int get_noOfEarthLikePlanets();
int get_noOfEarthLikeMoons();
float get_aveParticulateDensity();
float get_avePlasmaDensity();
float computeCivIndex();
friend class PointTwoD; //friend class
string sunType;
int noOfEarthLikePlanets;
int noOfEarthLikeMoons;
float aveParticulateDensity;
float avePlasmaDensity;
I have another class called PointTwoD which is suppose to contain the class: locationdata as a private member .
#include <iostream>
#include "locationdata.h"
using namespace std;
class PointTwoD
locationdata location; // class
int x;
int y;
float civIndex;
When i try to instantiate a PointTwoD object in my main() , and use the functions fromn locationdata , i get a error : request for member 'location' in "test" which is of non class type PointTwoD()().
#include <iostream>
#include "PointTwoD.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
int choice;
PointTwoD test();
cout<<test.location->get_sunType; //this causes the error
My questions is
1) Why doesnt my friend class work , i thought i should be able to access all properties use all functions from friend once it has been declared
2) Should i use inheritance instead of friend class to access all the method and properties of class locationdata from class PointTwoD ??
First UPDATE : After i changed declaration from PointTwoD test() to PointTwoD test , i get the following error : base operand of '->' has non-pointer type , what does it mean and how to solve it
This here:
PointTwoD test();
is a function declaration, not a variable definition.
You need:
PointTwoD test;
or in C++11:
PointTwoD test{};
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Most_vexing_parse for more info.