I have been experimenting with curl on the command line recently and was wondering if the following is possible.
I did the following command:
curl --data "ToBinary=fubar" http://www.roubaixinteractive.com/PlayGround/Binary_Conversion/Binary_To_Text.asp
What I get back is the entire page with the appropriate response (a webpage with the data I want), but I only want a specific piece of data (0110011001110101011000100110000101110010).
Without additional processing, is there a way to get this information directly?
You should use a html
parser to extract the binary string and I think that curl
cannot do that. One of many alternatives is perl and its mojolicious
module that lets you post
the page and use a DOM
parser to extract the content, like this:
perl -Mojo -E '
say p(q{http://www.roubaixinteractive.com/PlayGround/Binary_Conversion/Binary_To_Text.asp}
=> form
=> { ToBinary => q{fubar} })
It yields: