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Phonegap: Keyboard changes window height in iOS 7

In iOS 6 everything works fine. The keyboard opens and moves the input into view. When the keyboard closes everything goes back where it should.

In iOS 7 the keyboard opens fine and the input remains in view. When the keyboard is closed the whole bottom half of the app is gone, though. I've tracked the issue down to the height of the window changing when the keyboard is opened, and not changing back when it's closed.

Right before the keyboard is opened the window height is 568 according to $(window).height() and after it's opened and after it's closed it is 828. The height of the document also changes accordingly.

I've attempted preventing the window from resizing with:

$(window).resize(function(e) {
   return false;

I've also attempted to set the size back after the keyboard closes with no success.

I'm using phonegap 2.7 and have KeyboardShrinksView set to true.


  • I was seeing this too. After the height changes, some of our absolute positioned elements disappear off the bottom of the screen.

    I found that with KeyBoardShrinksView = false in ios7, window.height stayed constant. This was the opposite of ios6 though, so a bit of a catch 22.

    Not sure if there's a better way of handling this in Phonegap, but I put this in CDVViewController.m, created to config.xml files for ios < v7 and ios > v6, and my app works the way I want. Seemed a bit hacky, but not too disruptive of the rest of my code.

    // read from config.xml in the app bundle
    NSString* path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"config" ofType:@"xml"];
    if (IsAtLeastiOSVersion(@"7.0")) {
        path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"config_ios7" ofType:@"xml"];

    (I also tried an app preference plugin at but don't think this was designed for this kind of preference.)