I am having the following error while exporting after integrating Scoreloop. Before that it was fine.
Proguard returned with error code 1. See console
Note: there were 211 duplicate class definitions.
You should check if you need to specify additional program jars.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StackOverflowError
at proguard.obfuscate.ClassObfuscator.visitEnclosingMethodAttribute(ClassObfuscator.java:182)
and probably more 210 number of errors which I didn't give here. I mentioned Scoreloop in proguard-project.txt the following way:
# Scoreloop #
-dontwarn com.scoreloop.client.android.core.paymentprovider.**
-keep class com.scoreloop.client.android.core.paymentprovider.fortumo.FortumoPaymentProviderController {*;}
-keep class com.scoreloop.client.android.core.paymentprovider.fortumo.FortumoPaymentProvider {*;}
-keep class com.scoreloop.client.android.core.paymentprovider.paypalx.PayPalXPaymentProviderController {*;}
-dontwarn com.scoreloop.client.android.core.ui.WebViewDialog
-keep class com.scoreloop.client.android.core.ui.WebViewDialog {*;}
-keep class com.facebook.android.** {*;}
How to resolve these errors?
Solved the problem by myself. Just thought why don't I call all the scoreloop classes together and see what happens; and it worked. After the line:
-dontwarn com.scoreloop.client.android.core.paymentprovider.**
I've added:
-keep class com.scoreloop.** {*;}
And that solved it.