According to the docs (, you can test by sending an email from yourself to yourself. I'm doing that via a local test on my machine using an application server to connect to GMail SMTP and send the email. I get the email. I've also verified my embedded JSON with the Email markup tester here (, but I can never get the card to show up in Google Now.
But - if I use Apps Scripting it does work.
So am I confused about what is required to test? As I said, it clearly points out that you can send it from you, to you, and my code passes the validation, but cards do NOT show up when running my code locally.
If folks want to see it, here is a Gist with the ColdFusion code. Password is modded of course. And to be clear, I'm definitely getting the emails.
A proper DKIM/SPF signature is also required in order to prevent spoofing.
Besides, Google Now has additional requirements for a card to show up. For instance, the event time must be close to the current time.