I have 1 column containing binary format data. I want to display that Image on browser and I am useing codeignater
My Model Code
function GetLogoById($Id)
$query = $this->db->query( "EXEC GetLogoById '$Id'" );
$result = array();
foreach ($query->result() as $row)
$result[] = array("Logo"=> $row->Logo);
return $result;
My Controller Code:
public function GetLogoById()
$result = $this->MyModel->GetLogoById($Id);
$result = base64_decode($result);
echo $result;
It return in browse. What I am missing....
try with this.
$result = $this->mymodel->GetLogoById($CarrierId);
header('Content-type: image/png');
echo $result[0]['Logo'];