I have a text and a regex pattern
text is something like
foo https://www.google.hu <img ... src="http://a-page.com/foobar.jpg" ...> bar
the regex
and i'd update it with a special case
if url starting with src=" it would be great if regex matches dont contains the image url only other urls
i tried this
but it doesnt work
Could you help me, please?
I know I could add (^|\s) to pattern, but it won't work in case when I want to hide urls cause user can write any char before url and the url is no longer hidden and some other regex codes are in source too and one of them is a img bb tag code, and I dont want to hide (replace) it's url
(Sorry for my english)
To be honest I had difficulties to understand what exactly you want, but I guess you mean that you have a text with various URLs inside and you don't want to match those which are included in a html img
tag. If so, try this: