Is there any chance to get additional status information from my respose object, if a request fails? At this point, I'm able to get the status code, but in addition, I need the status information text (which describes the error). If you're using jQuery ajax, you could get this text from jqXHR's responseText-attribute.
Is there an equivalent for a python-requests response?
rsp = requests.put(url='{0}recorditems/{1}'
, recorditemOID)
, data=body
, headers=headers
, cert=Utils.configuration['daemon']['certFile']
, verify=True)
if rsp.status_code == 200:
Utils.log('Erfassung {0} synchronisiert'.format(recorditemOID))
return True
Utils.log('Status-Code -> {0}'.format(rsp.status_code))
Use the Response.reason
r = requests.get('')